Dead by Daylight developer update
This article is about the “Dead by Daylight developer update.” If you are looking for information about it then you are at the right place. Read this article from start to end to know further about it.
Dead by Daylight developer update Introduction
Dead by Daylight, a popular online multiplayer game, launched its 27th chapter titled “Tools of Torment” on seven, March 2023. The chapter was introduced as downloadable content and it includes two new survivors and a killer.
The game developer is committed to maintaining a balanced and competitive experience for players on both sides – survivors and killers. They have implemented several changes based on the community feedback through PTB servers and they plan to release them to live servers with the upcoming 6.7.0 patch
What is new in the Dead by Daylight developer update?
Following are the major things that the developers add or update in the new version of the game:
Red Forest Graphic Update
The developers of the game Dead by Daylight have been working on a project called “The Realm Beyond” to update older maps and improve their graphics. The latest map to receive this update is classic Red Forest, which was originally introduced six years ago and is the home to the Huntress and The Plague. The updated version maintains the rainy climate of the original map and includes small details and references to the Killer’s lore. The developers have shared a preview of the updated map to display the changes made.
Map Repeat Prevention Feature
Dead by Daylight has introduced a new feature called “Map Repeat Prevention” to eliminate the possibility of players getting the same map twice in a row, as long as a map is offering is not used. This feature adds more variety to the game, preventing players from repeatedly playing on the same map even if it is their favorite. If each player in the trial played a different map in their last match, none of those maps will be chosen and the chance for these maps to be selected will be reduced for the next few matches.
Bot Loadouts and Improvement
Survivor bots have been introduced to custom matched in Dead by Daylight, and improvements have been made to their AI. The bots can now have their loadouts customized and their AI has been improved to prevent them from being stuck, make the bolder rescue, actively seek out totems, and respond to the audio cues and certain killers’ powers.
Perk changes
Usually, the Day by Deadlight team makes changes during the mid-chapter updates, but they have included a few tweaks in the latest chapter release. They plan to introduce more perk changes in the next significant update.
The eruption is a powerful benefit that regresses generators and prevents further repairs from being done. However, it disproportionately affects solo players who cannot warn their teammates when they are about to go down. To address this, Eruption has been changed so that it causes the generators to lose 10% of their current progress.
Instead, the survivors actively working on the generator will scream and reveal their aura to the killers for 10 seconds, giving the killer information on other survivors’ whereabouts.